How much do I adore Karl Lagerfeld? He's the gift that keeps on giving, not only for the collections, always executed to an excellent standard and often inspired; not only for keeping Chanel steaming ahead at full throttle; but for a personal style which never fails to inspire a fresh WTF every time he appears in print (which is happily very often indeed).
It's all so deliciously wrong, it warps into unwrong: the Karl Dimension. The studded half-gloves over fey fingers. The faux periwig over nasty square shades. The ultrastarched collars that throttle the wattles into submission. And here, something new.
Canny as ever, he's making sure that the keys to his zoo don't slip into the wrong hands . . .
(photo: Grazia, from Getty Images/Chanel; illustration from Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathman)
the king.